Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sunday, September 03, 2006
Matrix, Mind and Maya
MATRIX and MIND share more than the literary alliteration.Before unravelling what is mind, Matrix needs a MENTION.

According to me the world is divided into people who have seen The Matrix trilogy and those who havenot.The former is seized with an urgency to ponder over it,decipher it and keep themselves open to newer interpretations .What is Matrix?Forget about Morpheus definition.How real is the real world?How can we say with certainty that the dream world is not real and physical world is real?

The Matrix is our mind indeed.Call it a hard drive or operating system or intangible software.Mankind is a prisoner of its mind.There is perhaps no difference between Fantasy and Mind.The only difference is that fantasy is matrix of matrix.The problem is that Rene descartes created a confusion in the world by saying I THINK THEREFORE I AM.Instead of I AM THEREFORE I THINK.

What is mind?How and where does thought arise.Is there a residency of mind within ourselves or is it all pervading.Most naive and unthinking would confuse Mind with brain and memory.Memory is a recall action of physical brain.Man does exist without mind though momentarily .What is the space between two breath? Mind generates thoughts which generate ideas which generate sense of I ness .Isnot deciphering life is just a reverse engineering process.Define I ness, unbundle the content of I ness and peel the layer till it reaches to no thought level.

Life and Line again share a lot more than alliteration.Line is a discrete series of points .Life is a discrete series of moments.Each moment a point .Each breath a point.Set of points give an illusion of line.Sets of moments give an illusion of continuity and hence of life.Krishnamurti says observer is observed.Buddha says there is there is no solid I.Hinduism says Tat svam Asi.I am That and so on.I prefer just I am or rather AM?

Can thought be thwarted to break the illusion of I .Subject object duality is a product of mind thought process.If there is no subject there is no object.There is only IS.As the famous Zen Kaon goes.There is a noise of thud in the forest where no life being exist.Was there a sound?Analysis-Analyst.Think-Thinker,Experience-Experiencer. Or just Analysing,Thinking or Experiencing.

So whats the big deal.Is intellectual understanding an end in itself? Is there a transcendence beyond intellect.Whats the prize for guessing Reincarnation phenomenon?Who reicarnates? or What reincarnates.

The polish brothers bring in Architect,Keymaker and Source in Matrix.Where does God ,creator and creation feature in.Is there a dimension beyond space and time?

The conundrum of Matrix,Mind and Maya lie in no mans land.If you get it you sense futility in describing.If you dont get it ,post a blog.

Posted by Taozen

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