Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Universal Consciousness: A quantum World Reality!

My belief in interconnected of reality at subatomic ( quanta) level is based on substantial progress made by modern science on the same. To name a few EPR experiment by einstein, Bell's theorem, Allain Aspects experiments on seperated photon particle and Karl Pribram's theory of holonomic brain model. David Bohm called it implicate order. Einstein called it Ghosts! All these scientists have proved with experiments that there is non local intelligence which is simultaneous information transmission between two seperated subatomic particles . This information is transmitting at a rate faster than velocity of light. It is unmediated action on two seperated bodies.This moots the idea of a holograhic world in whch a whole subdivided also contains all the information of whole. In other words every part is as good as whole as in a hologram. In one experiment sets of mice seperated geographically across continents were monitored for their behavior. It was found that new learning techniques unknown to the species imparted to one set of mice was found to be absorbed by the other seperated group as well as their next generation. Similarly certain behaviour in rats were continued despite scraping off certain portions of brain in a gradual manner. A japanese researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown images of water crystals to establish the effect of environment on it. Water Crystals under peaceful conditions are beautiful and harmonius whereas water crystals under stressed environment such as war display hazy structure. Thus there is universal consciousness and the whole idea of independent objective reality irrespective of the observer itself is a question.

Alain Aspect experiments in Quantum Physics involved splitting light photons. Two paths of light were created out of one. One of the paths of light photons was reoriented using a polarizing instrument. Both paths were then measured for the polarized orientation. It was assumed that one of the paths would retain the reorientation and the other path would be unchanged. No matter how many times the experiment was conducted or the measuring instruments set up, the same result was obtained. BOTH paths of light had been changed.
The results had a dynamic influence on theorists. At one time, it was assumed that you could not have action at a distance; contact of some type had to be responsible for change. The Aspect experiments changed that belief. Today, it is believed that when subatomic particles are involved, they retain their affinity for near subatomic particles no matter how far they are separated. Distance on a subatomic level cannot be treated the same as distance in our visible world.

What is Non-Locality>?

To accommodate the non-locality results described in the Aspect experiment and elsewhere, universal consciousness has to be non-local, but capable of interacting with the consciousness of the observer. To permit the observer to interact with both non-local universal consciousness and at the same time to be a part of the world we think of as real, some believe that there are components of the brain that are like the measuring instruments of an experiment and a second lot of components that act like highly coherent quantum systems. A coherent quantum system is the kind seen with superconductivity, superfluidity, and laser systems.
What is the definition of ‘local’ and ‘non-local’?

Our reality consists of local and non-local phenomenon. All things in space and time tend to be local. Nick Herbert in his book Quantum Reality explains "Yet there are things that we know exist and are real that are not local, for example a thought, love, insight, etc. Many of these things are on a psychological and spiritual level."

Mr. Herbert explains that: “… non-local is an unmediated action-at-a-distance.” A non-local interaction jumps from body A to body B without touching anything between A and B. Most people deny its existence because it does not seem to make sense.

Examples of non-local interactions are intuition, synchronicity (simultaneous occurrences), and spontaneous

Finally, no one can say that consciousness is confined to just the brain, or is local. It has to have a non-local origin, for it is not bound to space and time, nor is it physical .
What was Bell’s explanation of non-local reality?

In 1964, an Irishman named John Stewart Bell developed a mathematical proof that supported a nonphysical part of the universe. This theoretical physicist stated that any model explaining the universe entirely as local or as physical reality is incomplete for it does not include the non-local part. He also stated that there is an interconnectedness to everything in the universe. This proof was called the Bell Theorem and it was verified by many scientific experiments. Larry Dossey, M.D., points this out in his book Recovering the Soul “Whatever model of reality we wind up with in physics … it must be nonlocal… No local model of reality can explain the type of world we live in …

Simply put, the Bell theorem proves that there is another reality (non-local), which can be referred to as Spirit, beyond our current, physical (local) reality. Non-local reality interacts with our reality and is the source and cause of the physical existence or reality. The nonphysical part of the universe is the definitive proof that all science was seeking. Bell’s Theorem proves another realm exists that theology has talked about, but was unable to prove in a theoretical or empirical (experimental) sense. It means we can no longer consider objects as independently existing entities that can be localized in well-defined regions of spacetime.

Einstein ,however was not convinced about Quantum Theory as well as Bell`s theorem.Einstein worked until his death to find the 'missing link' in quantum theory that would disprove Neils Bohr's concept of random occurrence of probabilities.He emphatically stated many times that "God does not play dice", reiterating his firm belief in an underlying plan or consciousness within the quantum possibilities.  In order to disprove Quantum he conducted an experiment now famously known as EPR.The EPR experiment was based on two equal or twin particles. These tiny particles, called A and B, composed a system traveling in opposite directions from each other .Einstein and his colleagues knew they could measure some aspects of the first particle A, such as its position and momentum. From this measurement, they could predict the outcomes of the second particle B traveling in the opposite direction, while not going near the second particle.

What happened here is now very strange. Instead of disproving Neil Bohr’s school of thought that said that any measurement on A also effects B or vice versa, the EPR experiment proved it. Whatever particle was not measured reacted to the changes on the other particle. If the measured particle A began to spin in the opposite direction, instantaneously particle B also began to spin in the direction of particle A.

Since there was no force or energy transferred between the two particles, there seemed to be some form of information transferred from one particle to another.

How does the Bell Theorem prove non-local reality? To resolve this problem the Bell theorem proves that there was instant communication between these two particles. This means a message would have to travel faster than the speed of light that is 186,000 miles /sec. between them. According to the Einstein special theory of relativity this was impossible. Bell showed there is non-local communication between these two particles. This communication is nonphysical and currently science has no explanation for it.

Einstein did not know how to explain this phenomenon and objected to the ‘ghostly action at a distance .Some quantum physicists allow that the "ghosts" are a component of a "universal consciousness." Some call this "consciousness" the "ground of all being." In a short article that follows this, Werner Heisenberg refers to a "central order." David Bohm calls it as quantum potential and implicate order.He was fascinated by the interconnectedness of matter, energy and quantum events. The emerging science of holography gave him a new model for understanding the interconnectedness he documented in his experiments. Bohm's Wholeness and the Implicate Order, published in 1980, did more than just link the various facets of science together, it transfigured them into a new way of looking at reality.
"One of Bohm's most startling assertions is that the tangible reality of our everyday lives is really a kind of illusion, like a holographic image. Underlying it is a deeper order of existence, a vast and more primary level of reality that gives birth to all the objects and appearances of our physical world in much the same way that a piece of holographic film gives birth to a hologram. Bohm calls this deeper level of reality the implicate (which means enfolded) order, and he refers to our own level of existence as the explicate, or unfolded, order"

Scientists brought up in the Eastern world appear to have less of a problem with a term like "universal consciousness." Some, such as Amit Goswami, Professor of Physics at the University of Oregon, occasionally use the word "God," as being the true reality of "universal consciousness.Two thousand five hundred agao greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus continued this philosophical probe into the fabric of nature and man, with some similar, but more holistic, conclusions. He thought it "wise to agree that all things are one"

Conclusion in Einsteins words:

 A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty" einstein


Aditya Ajmera said...

Some physicists say that multiple universes with identical copies of us exist around us in a different branch of the quantum wave function. Also, all boundaries are conceptual .The universe is boundless outward in the cosmos, boundless inward in the atom. Quantum possibilities reside in the domain of transcendent potentia (outside space-time). Does mathematical truth reside in consciousness or universe Is it the same thing as universe resides in consciousness? Fundamental process of nature lies outside of space time but generates events that can be located in space-time. Random mutations in evolution are reminiscent of quantum uncertainty. Beyond chaos is a creative organizing principle. With all this theory there is a new quest in my mind, did the universe come into existence through chance, necessity or purpose? Can science answer this question?

Dhanesh said...

This is indeed insightful. If you read further, it is even known, that our observation itself results in our understanding. It is not our understanding that makes us observe it.

This entire pursuit of the intellect for the so called god particle is futile. The pursuit by the intellect in itself is a habit pattern of your present consciousness. It has no relation to reality as it is.

The reality as it is - is the dance of cosmos. It is also known as TANDAV

Besides, increasingly, this pursuit appears to be of the mind. Consciousness, just needs observation, the story unfolds itself. It is just that
we are so mind oriented, we do not have enough faith in consciousness. OR the habit pattern of the mind, is not allowing us to be with the consciousness.OR BOTH

It is at this level that the universal connectivity can be experienced, but the mind does not understand this language, so all explanations will fall short.