Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Believe it or not

Believe or not:A quick view on belief,God,karma,rebirth and salvation.

Buddha perhaps kept an agnostic stand.One book I read said that this was one of the few questions he refused to answer.Whilst Mahavira was unambiguously athiestic which maybe oblivious to most jain.

On rebirth:
The monk and the philosopher by Francois and Mathieu Ricard gives a detailed and very clear understanding of the process of rebirth just like a stream of consciousness which thru karmic impressions and its continuity resurfaces . So in a way memory survives and resurfaces.Perfectly scientific as matter and energy cannot created nor destroyed and avoids any leap of faith(faith not bad by iteself but prone to dangers and conditioning).I atleast subscribe to it in its entirety without any mental compromise or idealistc conditioning or birth given conditioning..More like a matter of fact in the same manner as u donot challenge lets say existence of table in your room which according to quantum physics maybe nothing but empty space..It doesnot require faith. It is.Rebirth is like bucket of water from the ocean.Take a bucket from the ocean and put it back and take another one.Its water not necessarily the same water.Giving particularness to that water is meaningless.

Then ther is soul.......
Substitute stream of consciousness with soul.Though the purist maynot agree.Complete comparative analysis is available between Nagarjuna and Sankara`s philosophy. Its just the same as long as it presupposes non duality.Permanence of soul need not be particular soul.Its universal cosmic potential life force.Its all words and corruption of words and interpretational hazard..The description is not the described.

Karmic impressions( seriesof acts and events,relational ,factual and emotional) need certain energy upon which it gets emmmbedded just like software embedded on a chip.Karmic impressions can be neutralised by cessation of thought reaction processes..pretty scientific.(Because thought is subtle matter). Memory by definition survives till it is completely empty.Stop carrying images,stop memory creation. Use memory and store for survival of physical self not psychical self.

Emptiness or sunyata is the POTENTIAL on which the particular can precipitate.A receptacle to hold life.Just like you can fill an empty space.The only difference is that this emptiness is vibrant.It is no- thing and not nothing.Again in conformity with modern science viz quantum physics.Schrodingers thought experiment on cat is one example of science experimenting on when and how does reality collapse into existence.Till then it is a hanging potential or proposition.The observer makes it happen.If I- thought is not there then how do u know that u exist.If there is no experiencer there is only experience.Experiencer is the illusion emerging out of experiencing because the neurons are great storehouse.The warehouse space of neurons is infinite and hence there is an infinitesemally strong accumulated identity.It is like Kabhie Yahi and Kabhi nahin only if you are aware..Catch me if u can it prompts and laughs away playing a cruel joke.Actually self search is a metaphoric oxymoron as there is nothing to search.More like Dhoondte Rahe Jaoge situation.

It is necessary not to read buddhism or jainism or hinduism but to remain unconditioned.CHOICELESS AWARENESS takes care of everything and avoids the trap of conceptual reality.Either something is in the realm of thought or something is outside the realm of thought.either there is identification and therefore identity or there is only existence with a natural force of action.

For survival humans need identity and for salvation he needs to shed identity.Ego self is a biological creation not an existential reality.Only choiceless awareness can help.

GOD,levels of existence,mysticism and the rest requires faith to believe if u have not experienced and requires no explanation if u have experienced.Creator God is anyway a corruption of thought though god at an alternate level of existence is neither inconceivable nor preposterous.More like a rationally probable event.J.Krishnamurti`s life has been full of mystical experience which in large part he disowned and some part underplayed. It is neither relevant nor conducive to delve into something from the point of view of deliverance and hence best ignored.Truth has nothing to do with other people`s experience or believes.Thats all in the realm of thought even if the thoughts are benign and beneficial to mankind.

Having said that the jury is out still on whether world is a better place with theistic believers than athiestic non believers or not.Because max killings have taken place under Christanity during renaissance and now Islam promises to overtake .Conventional religion fails to transform.It is non transformational for most and creates illusion of superior morality and proposes non believers as inferior .Complete surender to devotion like Mirabai is transformational but is more scarce than meditational transformation.The probability is infinitesamally low towards zero.However conventional religion provides code of good conduct and promotes humanism.It also helps to alleviate misery of existence just like antibiotics help to alleviate pain of physical suffering.A true devotee is less becoming especially if he is aware.A believer who thinks of Narayan( God) on death bed carrying less karmic impressions than somebody who is wanting,desiring,regretting,revengeful,apathethic,bitter,pleasureful and so on when on death bed.A believer is supposed to be self effacing save one crutch of image ,God.Maybe its an intermediate stage.Afterall no crutch at all is so damn difficult .Almost impossible due to compulsive nature of mind to form images.

As such the debate is irrelevant . Believe and be self effacing or donot believe and be self effacing.The idea is to stop becoming.Then there is none.There is only creation.Blessed is the guy who is nobody .
Scientific Inquiry:
Quantum physics and cognitive science will take human beings to an extent closer to understanding reality.Beyond a particualr level it will require either leap of faith to cross the bridge or a change in consciousness which cannot be expressed in words. Therefore the ultimate salvation is personal. Theology and Guru can provide a platform and guidelines.They cannot describe the indescribable.Science and Guru can take you thus far and not beyond.

Ground of existence has no begining and no end and thats the only way the laws of cause and effect get explained .Otherwise there is an endless loop of cause .The levels of awareness between death and birth and between death and salvation is unfathomable and various words are put to approximately describe it.Thus atma,anatma and so on.According to principles of hologram everything can be reduced to nothing and still contain everything.This is not belief or mumbo jumbo but the most engaging inquiry of science today.(scientist Pilbrim)

There is a story.Either god is can create the world or not.If he cannot he is impotent and not god.if he can he either is compelled to create or he choses to create. Therefore either is powerless or he falls victim to his desire to create. Therefore God cannot be a creator..(Not to be mistaken with existence of God)

For more scientific students there is zeno`s paradox on God .

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